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Taking the Stage One Last Time as a Senior

Recital is a day filled with bittersweet endings. It marks the day we say goodbye to the old season. It is the day I get to perform all of my numbers one last time before guessing what’s in store for the upcoming season. It is the final day I get to roll around my costumes in my dream duffel before it comes time to retire them in the closet. It is the day I get to laugh and make memories with my team in that small little dressing room before making more the next season.

Every recital we say our goodbyes. For the past eleven years I’ve been saying these goodbyes, this year making it my twelvth. This twelvth year though is a little different from the others. Not only am I saying goodbye to the dances, the costumes, the laughter, and the memories, but I am saying goodbye to my time as an NSSD company member. I am saying goodbye to waiting for my number to be called at award ceremonies. I am saying goodbye to late night carpool rides with Nicolette and Elissa. I am saying goodbye to having to buy new half pirouettes because I ripped a hole in the ones I literally just bought(something I will not miss). I am saying goodbye to feasting in the company room every Thursday with pre professional. And I am saying goodbye to dancing on stage with the best group of girls I have been so lucky to perform with for the past twelve years.

I never thought this day would come so soon. It’s crazy to think that my years dancing at The Next Step School of Dance are finally over. Although I’m sad this chapter of my life is coming to an end, I am also happy to enter a new one. Remember, recital isn’t just about saying goodbye, but it is also about welcoming the possibilities of the new season. When I go off to college this Fall, I hope to create friendships and memories that’ll last forever just like the ones I have created here at NSSD.

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